Nama saya Anwar, biasa di panggil “Nunu”
Alumni SMANSA 95
Alhamdulillah, akhirnya saya menemukan web t4 saya sekolah dulu. namanya alumni, pasti gak bisa lupa kenang-kenangan yang terjadi khususnya masa-masa SMA. Lirik lawan jenis, kerjain teman sampai panjat pagar sekolah….he..he….
Saat ini kegiatan saya adalah wirausaha yang fokus pada pengembangan IT, baik jaringan LAN maupun Nirkabel dan IntraNet Laboratorium Komputer dan supplier peralatan komputer dan notebook…… (khusus guru harga special…promosi!!!)
Saya sangat gembira dan berterima kasih apabila dapat membantu tempat saya sekolah.
Untuk teman-teman yang ingin saling berinteraksi, silahkan kunjungi web saya
Terima kasih Sekolahku!!!…. Teruslah berprestasi…
Hormat saya
Anwar —- Nunu
Muammar Paradipta
hai…gw mo minta tolong nih…nama gw dipta…gw dr prnah tinggal n sekolah di toli-toli dr thn 99 s/d 2002…wktu thn 99 gw kls 3 di smp neg 1 toli-toli…nah, smpe thn 2002, gw skolah di SMA 1 Toli2…gw pngen bnget dpt alamat,no hp,akun FB or apalah dr teman2 lama gw yg ada di toli2..klo gak salah tman2 gw itu tamat thn 2003…bisa gak, sp tau aja ada yg kenal ama tman2 angkatan gw??ksh gw info or apalah…nama tman2 gw yg msh gw ingat itu: Askoryani Susanti Kountul, Yoel Effendy, Galang Pratama, Zulkifli,Ramli,Muchsin Abadi,Amir,Juliantara Eka Prawira,Rocky Manseletang Anthony..cmn itu yg bisa gw inget…gw mohon n brharap skali bisa dpt kbr dr mereka..mksih…
“Muammar Paradipta” <>
Employment Michael Kors handbag outlet in the private sector in Scotland has increased by 4.0 per cent over the past year.
Public Sector Employment Statistics for Scotland, released today replica cheap Michael Kors by Scotland’s Chief Statistician, cheap replica michael kors shows that over the year to quarter three 2013 employment in the private sector in Scotland has increased by 75,800, or 4.0 per cent. This compares to a decrease in employment of 1,200, or 0.2 per cent, in Scotland’s public cheap michael kors purses sector.
In quarter three 2013 there were a total of 579,700 people employed in the public sector in Scotland, accounting for 22.7 per cent of total employment replica michael kors in the country. This is the lowest the proportion of employment in the public sector has been since 1999, when the data collection began. The level of employment in the public sector is similar to that seen in 2003; however removing the public sector financial institutions, which came into the public sector in 2008, sees a level similar to that seen in discount michael kors 1999.
These statistics show that there were 1,968,900 people employed cheap michael kors handbags in the Scottish private sector, 77.3 per cent of total employment in Scotland.
In Scotland, the devolved public sector saw a decrease of cheap michael kors bags 1,600 since quarter three 2012 compared with an michael kors cheap increase of 400 in employment in the reserved public sector. This increase in the reserved public sector was driven by changes in the public sector financial institutions. If the financial institutions were not in the reserved public sector, over the year to quarter three there would have been a fall in employment in the reserved public sector of 2,800, 4.3 per cent.
Within Scotland’s devolved public sector, the largest decrease was seen in employment in Local Government, down 32,600 over the year, however much of this is accounted for by reforms to Scottish Police and Fire Services which has seen the new single forces reclassified to central government. The NHS in Scotland saw an increase in employment of 2,100, 1.4 per cent and the devolved civil fake cheap Michael kors handbags service increased by 300, 1.7 per cent.; largely due to increased employment in the Scottish Prison Service in preparation for the opening of a new prison.
In the Scottish reserved public sector, the increase was driven by employment in the public sector financial institutions. Employment decreased in all other categories, with employment in the reserved civil service falling by 1,100, 3.8 per cent, over the year.
The figures released today were produced by independent statistical staff free from any political interference, in accordance with professional standards set out in the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.
The data are not seasonally adjusted and therefore comparisons should only be made with the same quarter over time.Articles Connexes: